Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Police Misstep with Google Translate

Arrested by a machine? 

Sounds like a scene from a sci-fi thriller, doesn't it? But this isn't fiction; it's a chilling reality. Let's delve into a critical issue, one that might have repercussions beyond what we can fathom.

Dated Yet Relevant

Yes, the incident we're about to discuss happened back in 2012. It's old news, but it remains disturbingly pertinent. In an era where technology evolves at a lightning pace, this story serves as a cautionary tale of what could be in store for us all.

Before we dig into the crux of the matter, let me point out that the very same technology that powers machine translation -Large Language Models (LLM)- also powers artificial intelligence (AI). As such, it is worth heeding the warnings by luminaries like Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking.

Read how an innocent man was arrested with machine translation:

A Global Concern

Think this dystopian-esque future is in some distant land? Think again! 

It's happening right here in our own backyard. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is gearing up to implement Automated Phone Translation. Sounds like a boss idea to provide legal aid at cost; however, at its core, it's the same flawed machine translation technology.

The Problem with Machine Translation

In case you’re wondering what our beef is with machine translation -also known as automated translation- here’s a simple experiment we’ve run over a number of years to illustrate the efficacy of this stuff:

In an era where the promise of technology is immense, we must be vigilant about its applications. The incident from 2012 should serve as a stark reminder of the pitfalls of relying on machine translation in critical situations. In our quest for efficiency and convenience, it’s important not to underestimate human intelligence, especially in sensitive areas like law enforcement.

Oh, by the way, we're proud to be Japanese Human Translation Services

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